We are so grateful for all the ways you have shared gifts and supported the dreaming, discernment, and launch of Blue Ridge Service Corps. Thank you for your continued prayers and practical support.
We are excited to share that Blue Ridge Service Corps, an Episcopal Service Corps program in the diocese, will start its inaugural year this August by welcoming three incoming corps members into our program. Our inaugural cohort are younger adults filled with passion, energy, and a diverse set of gifts. The mission of Blue Ridge Service Corps is to engage young adults through the Episcopal Service Corps pillars of serving others in solidarity, promoting justice in community, deepening spiritual awareness, discerning vocation, and living simply. The members will be living in intentional community at the Folwell House, located on the property of La Capilla de Santa Maria in Hendersonville and will be serving at local non-profits in Henderson and Buncombe county.
One of the key tenants to being part of Blue Ridge Service Corps is to live simply and our corps members do so by committing to live on a small monthly stipend. This stipend is intended to be used for basic expenses such as food, transportation, personal supplies, and household supplies.
Therefore, we pray that you will consider being part of the journey by supporting our corps members through the gift of household supplies, groceries, personal supplies, basic medical supplies, or a monetary donation.
We have created a Walmart wish list that includes the most needed items for the first month of the program. Or if you prefer, we welcome gift cards to Walmart that will be used for future support and perishable food items.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and love for this community of young adults. Our hope is that by the end of their service commitment they will have had a transformational year that is rooted in service, justice, faith, and love. Your support will be a key component of this transformational opportunity.
Please reach out to us with any questions. We’d love to connect and share more about Blue Ridge Service Corps and where the Holy Spirit is leading us in this inaugural year.
Kelsey Davis
Blue Ridge Service Corps Director &
Campus Missioner for UNCA & WCU
Eden Lewis
Missioner for Youth & Young Adults