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Hurricane Helene Relief Hub

On this page, you can find ways to help and get help as we recover from the impacts of Hurricane Helene.

Please contact the Disaster Response Team regarding how you or your community can support our recovery. 

Please select the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund

Disaster Response Team

Kelsey Davis (ordained).jpeg

Bishop’s Deputy for Disaster Response and Recovery

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Archdeacon Brenda Gilbert

Assistant Coordinator for Donations and Volunteers

Dan Gilbert.jpg

Mr. Dan Gilbert

Assistant Coordinator for Logistics and Technology


Field Services Specialist Volunteer


Staff Assistant to Bishop's Deputy Volunteer 

The Disaster Response Team shares an email address.     Contact them Here

Community Support & Needs

Give & Get Resources 



If you would like to provide resources for those who have been affected by the storm please click the above button.



If you are in need of resources please please click the above button to access the form. 

A member of the Response Team will reach out to you once you have completed the form.Please note, before delivering donations or sending teams, contact the Response Team at

Volunteer Interest Form 

If you would like to volunteer please fill out the forms below. Youth Mission Trip opportunities will be available this summer. 


Financial Support ​​

FEMA Recovery Webpage

Legal Aid of North Carolina can help residents start the process with FEMA benefits, apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, and request Crisis Cleanup Assistance. For more information, visit

State Health Plan Information

D-SNAP (Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program): Benefits are available for residents in 25 Western NC counties, but the application window is short. The application period closes on Thursday, Oct. 24. Eligible households will receive a one-time benefit on a debit-like card (EBT card) to help buy food. The impacted counties are Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania, Watauga, Wikes and Yancy. Apply by phone 844-453-1117 or visit

United Way of NC: For immediate, unmet needs, the United Way of North Carolina will provide grants to nonprofits or reimburse nonprofits working in impacted communities. Certain nonprofit organizations assisting individuals and communities recovering from Hurricane Helene are eligible for funding. Eligible groups include any 501(c)(3) agency with a valid charitable solicitation license that is assisting Hurricane Helene-impacted communities with immediate needs. Learn more.

The WNC Strong: Helene Business Recovery Fund helps small businesses close the gap between when the disaster strikes and when federal loans, insurance payouts, and other disaster relief funds are approved, or businesses have time to recover and get back to business." Learn more.

The NC Network of Grantmakers has this list of community foundations accepting and making grants for immediate relief:

Golden LEAF is making resources available to organizations to support immediate relief for individuals and families including home repair, addressing unmet needs, and helping transition out of FEMA supported housing programs. Governmental entities and 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofits are eligible to apply. Learn more.

FEMA Public Assistance provides supplemental grants to state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, and certain types of private non-profits so communities can quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies." Learn more: North Carolina Emergency Management has grants managers that can support applications:

SBA disaster loans may be available to homeowners, renters, and businesses of all sizes in areas covered by a disaster declaration."

EcoForesters  is a non-profit professional forestry organization dedicated to conserving and restoring our Appalachian forests through education and stewardship. Helene Relief Resources for land owners. 

Mental Health Support

Feeling overwhelmed, distressed, anxious? You are not alone—help is a text or call away.


The National Disaster Distress Helpline is a valuable resource for our VOAD network and accessible 24/7 for responders, support teams, volunteers—for you, however and wherever you may support in the disaster/humanitarian sector.

Simply text or call 1-800-985-5990

Para ayuda en español, opríma el numero “2”.

For more information, visit

Jada Bryson has offered free spiritual direction during this time. Contact her at

Financial Donations

Give directly to the Diocese of Western North Carolina relief efforts: 

  • Click Here Select "Hurricane Helene Relief" at the top of the dropdown menu. 

Other Ways to give monetary donations: 

  • Episcopal Relief & Development: The disaster response team is in contact with the dioceses in all affected areas. Funds collected will be used for long-term relief efforts as well as emergency grants, which are for churches in affected areas that are in a position to respond to needs in their local community. “Your gift will provide our partners on the ground with critical supplies, such as food and water, pastoral care and other urgent needs. You’ll also help us assist with the long-term efforts needed to rebuild and heal.” Donate

  • United Way of NC: The UW Helps NC Fund supports immediate response and long-term recovery efforts. This site also provides a search and rescue form, access to a list of donation sites, and a way to apply for relief funds.

  • American Red Cross: Working with officials and community partners, almost 1,400 Red Cross disaster workers are focused on providing shelter, food and comfort to thousands with more help on the way. In addition, the Red Cross has deployed more than 45 emergency response vehicles to get help to where needed and about two dozen more are enroute. Where it is safe to do so, Red Cross disaster responders are driving these vehicles throughout affected communities, assessing the damage and distributing meals and relief supplies.” Read more Read about the American Red Cross response in North Carolina | Donate

Status of Our Churches​

Asheville, NC

The Cathedral of All Souls

All Souls has extensive property damaged due to flooding in Biltmore Village.  They are currently worshiping at St. George's  Episcopal Church in West Asheville. More Information 

Bat Cave, NC 

The Church of the Transfiguration

The Church of the Transfiguration has limited access to their property due to inaccessible roads in the Bat Cave and Chimney Rock area. They are currently at St.Paul's in Edneyville, NC in a combined service. More Information

Church Insurance: 

1-800-223-5705 (Please call even if you cannot clearly assess the damage.)

Find information here:

We ask that you copy our WNC representative Linda Knolton on your claims -

The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina


900B CentrePark Drive

Asheville, NC 28805


Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM - 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:30AM - 3:00PM




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