Make a joyful noise, for He is risen!
Please join us in celebrating Easter Sunday social distancing style by making a joyful noise together! On April 12 at 10AM, make a joyful noise from wherever you are, with whatever you have available. Need some inspiration? Check out this video created with participants from around the diocese and beyond!
During this time, even if we cannot physically be together, we are reminded that the church is so much more than just a building. God calls on us to proclaim the good news, so let us share in celebration by letting the land ring by sounds of Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Please share this post far and wide, so we together we can send out sound waves of hope in our communities and around the world. Share with your friends, your coworkers, your church community, as a reminder that even in the darkest times love conquers all!
If willing, please share videos of your joyful noise on Easter Sunday so that we may compile them to share in community. Hashtag your photos with #joyfulnoisediownc or send them to our Communications Officer to share.
Christ is Risen. Alleluia!