Liturgy & Worship Resources
The following are external links to online liturgy and worship resources.
Prayer Resources
The Revised Common Lectionary – text of upcoming Sunday Bible readings.
The Daily Office -Morning and Evening Prayer for the current week, complete with lectionary readings and canticles.
Lectionary Page - A Liturgical calendar with links to the lessons for Sundays and major Holy Days.
Music Resources
Anglican Online Hymnal Material in the public domain from four Anglican hymnals, including Hymnal 1979, organized both according to the Christian year and theological topics. Includes additional information about the texts.
Oremus Hymnal - Over 950 Christian hymns and Gospel songs from a variety of denominations. Includes lyrics, sound, background information, photos, links, and downloadable MIDI files.
Bible Resources
Bible Gateway - Offers many versions in languages including Greek and Hebrew, with excellent search capabilities, both for chapter and verse searches and for keyword and phrase searches. Available at no cost.
Oremus Bible Resource includes comparisons of versions including the NRSV.