The Jesus Movement
What is the Jesus Movement?
We're following Jesus into a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God, with each other, and with earth.
How do we participate?
First, we follow Jesus. We are simply the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, seeking every day to love God with our whole heart, mind and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). Just like Jesus.
What's the work of the movement?
The Jesus Movement takes you places. For the Episcopal Church, it calls us to focus on three specific priorities.

Listen for Jesus' movement in our lives and in the world. Give thanks. Proclaim and celebrate it! Invite the Spirit to do the rest.
Inspire Episcopalians to embrace evangelism.
Gather Episcopal evangelists.
Equip all to be evangelists.
Send all as evangelists.
Embody the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus with each other.
Tell the truth about church and race
Rewrite the narrative
Form Episcopalians as reconcilers
Repair and Restore institutions & society

Encounter and honor the face of God in creation
Develop creation care resources
Grow local eco-ministries
Purse eco-justice at church-wide and local level
Convene conversations around climate and faith
For more information about the Episcopal Church Jesus Movement click here.