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Diocesan Ministries and Funds

Diocesan Partnership with Cuba
For many years, multiple parishes in the Diocese of Western North Carolina have supported and built relationships with the Diocese of Cuba and its churches. Please consider donating so this vital ministry and growing partnership can continue.

Spanish-Speaking Ministries
Today, we have a vibrant Spanish-speaking ministry with mission sites across the diocese, numerous parishes serving their Spanish-speaking neighbors, and two full-time Latino missioners. But we still have a long way to go to make our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters truly a part of our community.

Forming and Supporting Deacons and Priests
We do this first by offering additional formational opportunities for those individuals who are called to serve as priests in non-traditional settings, including bi-vocational priests in small congregations. The IONA School for Ministry is an Episcopal program that can be implemented and led at the local level. Likewise, our Curacy program will help us be intentional about how we encourage, place and support our newly ordained priests so that they can better enhance the life of the diocese, and so that they are better positioned to be successful and motivated to lead us into the future."

Seminarian Fund
Please join us in creating leaders for our church and diocese. The Seminarian Fund helps students with funding for tuition, books, and living expenses. This is not only beneficial to them in the immediate future, but also long-term, as it decreases post graduation debt.

Camp Henry Scholarships
The Diocese of Western North Carolina is committed to supporting any child that wants to go to Camp Henry. Your support helps families defray the costs of camp and ensures that a child will experience the joy and wonder of Camp Henry.

Church of the Advocate
The Red Door is a place to be in community with others, find acceptance, and create lasting friendships. The Red Door provides not only worship services for those in the community, but has many active ministries, including their First Aid station, The Basics Supply Closet, Sole Mate Shoe Closet, and more. The Red Door clergy, staff and community are active participants in and host monthly meetings of The Homeless Coalition of Asheville to listen and share with other agencies, ministries and organizations so that they know the resources available to those in need and how they can best be accessed.

Blue Ridge Service Corps
Blue Ridge Service Corps is our diocesan service corps program. The mission of this program is to continue the perpetual spirit of Western North Carolina by building up brave leaders, engaging with our communities to strengthen our relationships with young adults, and expand young adult ministry. Our corps members serve at local nonprofits for a 9-month commitment.

Empower Youth and Young Adults
Our young people are a significant part of our vision in the diocese to “walk in the way, widen the walls, and wake up the world." Our youth, young adult and college campus programs are structured to supplement the youth and young adult ministry programs of local parishes.
Our Camp and Conference Centers
Please consider donating to our Diocesan Camp and Conference Centers if you are able. Click on a center to visit their specific giving page.