Every lay delegate, clergy, guest, and visitor to Convention must register for Diocesan Convention.
The Savor & Share dinner on Thursday and the pre-convention workshops on Friday are optional and open to anyone in the diocese. All events will take place at the Cherokee Convention Center, with an optional visit to the Museum of the Cherokee People and the Kituwah Mound.
Please follow the links below to find the registration forms online and please do not hesitate to contact sinclaire@diocesewnc.org with questions.
Hotel Accommodations
We will be holding our Convention at the Cherokee Convention Center this year and we have a special rate for rooms at The Cherokee Hotel.
Rooms for Thursday night are about $100, and rooms for Friday night stays are about $300. These rates are similar to other hotels in the area.
We recognize that gathering in Cherokee will come with some increased costs. As a result of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians' partnership with Ceasar's Entertainment, the tribe receives about 60% of all profits, which supports the community by providing funds for education, public safety, and much more. Here is the link to book: https://www.caesars.com/book/?propCode=CHE&action=FindRooms&groupcode=S11EPIS
Location Details
Cherokee Convention Center
Parking & Map
The entrance to the hotel and convention center parking garage is off of Convention Center Drive.
You must pass Casino Drive to get to the convention center side of the property.
Prelude Event Details
Thursday, Nov. 7
Savor & Share - Dinner and Keynote
Have dinner, share some conversation, and listen to a special keynote with Cherokee Elder Tom Belt.
Friday, Nov. 8
Prior Ponderings - Workshops and lunch
Wake up with a selection of workshops from Cherokee speakers, followed by lunch. After lunch, groups will be able to go to the Museum of the Cherokee People and to the Kituwah Mound.