Keeping our Churches Safe from
Sexual Misconduct
Jesus Christ calls us to loving relationships that are healthy and helpful to each other. The obligation to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being is binding for all the baptized. Educating and empowering the people of our diocese is central to creating and maintaining churches and activities that are safe for everyone.
The Diocese of Western North Carolina requires many ministry positions and volunteers to complete Safe Church Training. All Safe Church Training is now done through online modules by Praesidium Academy. You can learn more here and find the link directly to the training website. Those required to take Safe Church Training are listed here in our Required Training List.
Every church is encouraged to assign an administrator to keep track of parishioner's training. If you need help setting up your administrator, please contact Eden Lewis.
Who is required to take Safeguarding Training?
All clergy—whether stipendiary, non-stipendiary, or otherwise—who are engaged in any ministry or service to the church
All persons who teach, supervise or assist with supervising children or youth in ministries, programs or activities more often than occasionally
All paid or volunteer church personnel whose work regularly takes them throughout the facility or grounds
All persons who provide transportation to children or youth without other adults in the vehicle more than occasionally
All vestry members or members of similar decision-making groups who have the authority to approve the creation of ministries, programs or activities for children or youth.
Below, you will find the resources you need to help prevent sexual misconduct.
Safe Church Policies
There are several policies guiding the church in right relationships with children of all ages.
Background Checks
The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina has contracted with a company called Secure Search Faith to conduct background checks. Learn more here.
Additional Resources
Screening Checklist – who needs a background check and what type
Training Checklist – who needs training and what modules are required