Ministry at La Capilla de Santa Maria
Miguel Álvarez, La Capilla
Watch this video to learn more about our Regional Missioner for Latino Ministries, Miguel Álvarez, and the ministries at La Capilla.
If you want to learn more about Miguel, click here to read his full bio.
La Capilla de Santa Maria (The Chapel of St. Mary) is our diocesan Spanish Mission Chapel and is located in Hendersonville, NC. The mission is to bring formation, faith, companionship, and education to their congregation, and support local Latino families and communities to build bridges between Latino and Anglo-Saxon culture.
La Capilla has a deep history rooted in Western North Carolina. The property is also home to the Folwell House, where the members of our Blue Ridge Service Corps reside as part of the mission to connect the Anglo and Latino communities. If you want to learn more about the history of La Capilla, a brief history can be found in the article "The History and Legacy of La Capilla de Santa Maria," or a more extended narrative can be found in the book, "La Capilla de Santa Maria: A Spiritual Tapestry" by Joy Franklin.